We usually save some of our important documents in our personal laptop or computer and most of the time in word documents. To protect this file, adding a password to open or modify is the simple and effective way.
But, adding password in Microsoft word is a little bit tricky, especially if you are newbie. In this post I will show you where the option to put a password in your word documents using MS Word 2007 and 2010.
If you’re writing or editing your important documents, follow the steps below to add password in the documents before it’s open.
Step 1. Go to Menu or the Office logo, the round button at the upper left corner of the screen, then select “Save As”, select what type of documents you want to save, in this example I will choose the “Word Document”, See the picture below.
Step 2. Save As window will pop-up where you type your file name and select the location where you want to save the file. Beside the “Save Button” in Office 2007, you will see the “Tools” options, click on that and select “General Options” in the dropdown menu. See the picture below
Step 3. A General options window will pop-up where you can put your password to open and password to modify the documents you created. Click OK, another window will pop-up to reenter the password you created and click “OK”.
This tutorial can also apply to MS Excel, the procedures were almost the same as MS Word, and you can try now and protect all your important documents. Please consider sharing this article if you think it might help. Enjoy!
Note: Screenshots taken using Windows OS running Microsoft Word 2010