msfreetuts Archive


Having a lot of data in your worksheet needs to be organized to make it easy to understand if someone reads it. Like making lists of employees, it is cleaner and more readable if it is sorted alphabetically, by hire date, by …

Lookup Functions

Lookup functions in Excel are divided into two, VLookup (Vertical Lookup) function which look for the value in the leftmost column of the range of cells you specify in table-array and the HLookup (Horizontal Lookup) function look for value at the …

Text Functions

If you want to convert numbers to text or simple text manipulation  in your worksheet, Excel has many text functions that you can use. Like for example, you can easily convert a date in number into a text date format. Here …

Date and Time Functions

Date and time are very important in Excel project, like in making a timesheet, you need to get the elapsed time to compute the total number of regular hours and overtime. In this lesson you will learn some basic date …

Cell Reference

A worksheet also known as the spreadsheet is composed of a box-like structure called a cell. Every cell has an address location called cell reference. A cell reference consists of a column letter and row number (e.g. A1, D63, F120), this …