PowerPoint: Opening and Saving Presentation

Opening an Existing Presentation

In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can open your existing presentation so that you can edit and tweak it a bit for a better presentation. Before opening your presentation, make sure it does exists and you know where you last saved it – be it in your desktop, in documents, downloads, or a folder – so that you could open and have access to it. Here is how you can open your existing presentation:

Click “File” button located on the upper left corner of your screen
It will show you a list of choices that you can do.

A list of your recent presentations that you have saved before will appear. Choose the presentation you wish to open

If your presentation is not in the list of Recent Presentations:

Click “Open”

It will redirect you to a separate folder in which you are asked to open the presentation you wish to use. Locate the PowerPoint presentation you need to open, Click on it and Click “Open”. It will then redirect you to the presentation that you have chosen to open.

Saving Presentation

Saving your work is a very important thing to remember. Whether you are done with your presentation or not, it is but proper that you save it at all times. Otherwise, your work might not get saved and all your hard work will be thrown out the window. Here is how you can save your presentation:

Click “File” button located on the upper left corner of your screen
It will show you a list of choices that you can do.

Select “Save As”

A separate window will appear and will ask you where you want to save your work. Click the location you want your work to be saved – be it in your desktop, My Documents, a folder – and rename the file of your presentation, then click “Save”

You can also press Ctrl.+S once you have already saved your work once. It will then save your work from where you placed it in the first place.

Always remember to save your work even if you are not yet done with your presentation. If you mistakenly close your work, it will notify you that your work has not yet been saved and will ask you if you wish to save it. Click yes and save your work. After it has been saved, it will automatically close.

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