Access: Setting field properties and Input mask wizard

Setting Field Properties

As mentioned earlier, a field is a column in your table. It represents a defined attribute for all your records in a table. You can insert up to 225 fields in one table.

Every field that you have inserted in your table contains several characteristics that give you additional control to your data.

Here is a guide on how you can set your field in your table:

In Home ribbon, Click “View” and choose “Design View “

From there you will be asked to change the name of your table. Change the name and enter

The properties will then appear in the lower part of your table design window when you select a field.

Click on the Field Format to customize data and change the way it is represented on a screen or when reporting your data

Fields Name Properties

For numbers and currency fields, the options are as follows:

A. General Number: As the name suggests, it is for the numbers in the same way as they have been entered.

B. Currency: For values with thousand separator (,) and an assigned monetary symbol (ex. Php)

C. Euro: For currency format with euro symbol

D. Fixed: For values presented as is without the thousand separator (,)

E. Standard: For values that needs the thousand separator (,)

F. Percent: It automatically multiplies the entered value by 100 and will add the percentage sign (%)

G. Scientific: It allows user to input value with scientific notation.

For Date and Time fields, here are the following formats:

A. General Date: If the value is only date, the time will not appear. Same as if the value is only time, no date will appear.

B. Long Date: The date is displayed as well as the day and month (ex. Saturday, May 18, 2016)

C. Medium Date: Date appears with the first 3 letters of the month (ex. 18-Aug-2016)

D. Short Date: The date is formatted as follows (05/18/16 or 05/18/2016)

E. Long Time: It shows the time as 08:18:56 AM

F. Medium Time: It displays time as 8:18 AM

G. Short Time: It displays time without seconds nor AM and PM (8:18)

Using Input mask wizard or Lookup Wizard

A lookup list is a drag down list that is used in a data that displays a list of values. Lookup wizard helps you save time in inputting data and it make sure that the data is consistent in your table. Here is how you can insert your lookup field:

In Home ribbon, Click “View” and choose “Design View “From there you will be asked to change the name of your table. Change the name and press enter

Click on the field that you wish to create your drop down list and choose “Lookup Wizard”

Once you are redirected in Lookup Wizard, Select “I will type the values that I want” then click “Next”.

Input the numbers that you need. Normally, you only need one. Then type the choices you wish to appear on your chosen field then click “Next”

Input the label of the field then choose whether you want to limit the list or allow multiple values. Click “Finish” when you are satisfied.

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